Use of Assistive Technology

Use of ICT (assistive technology) project aims to enable persons with disabilities to make the most of such technology through a full package of technological tools, contents and applications that assist in the development of mental, social, linguistic, sensory and motor skills of persons with disabilities. The project develops integrated solutions regarding the uses of ICT for persons with disabilities, through future visions, services, special educational and training programs, and creative solutions to education and training problems, which contribute to redefining and redesigning the educational and training content provided to them, so that information become more accessible. In addition, practical application and training through various educational practices form their personality, organize the process of learning and the way they acquire social knowledge and effective communication skills. The project also provides educational and training services that seek to sharpen their mental abilities and rehabilitate them so that they do not face psychological and educational difficulties, rather integrate easily into society and become productive members thereof, not a burden on their families and society.

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