
The International Muslim Scout” participates in the Asian Hajj, Umrah and Islamic Tourism Conference in Malaysia

Counselor Raed Habes, founder and vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of the Baseera Group for Conferences, and Sherbak, an organizer of the conference, announced the participation of the International Union of Muslim Scouts, whose membership includes approximately 65 million members, which confirms the importance and role of the Union in our Arab and Islamic world, with a working paper within The activities of the Asia Hajj, Umrah and Islamic Tourism Conference, which is scheduled to start from September 13-15, 2023, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the participation of 57 Arab and Islamic countries in the largest gathering to market Hajj and Umrah services and the Arab and Islamic tourism industry.

Counselor Habes expressed his happiness at the participation of the union, which enjoys an international standing and its great role in supporting Muslim youth, within the activities of the global conference, which aims to open channels of communication with the ministries of tourism in the countries of the Arab and Islamic world to present their tourism programs and Umrah Plus, for what The countries of the Islamic world enjoy it from tourist destinations that are historically, culturally, civilizational and heritage rich.

Noting that one of the objectives of the conference is to target youth tourism by creating new concepts that will strengthen the Islamic and Arab identity, and open relations with peoples, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying: “O people! Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing), stressing the importance of opening more channels of communication and communication between peoples, especially the Islamic and Arab peoples, referring to the old Arab saying that travel has seven benefits.

Counselor Habes believes that this is a large Asian market if work is done to exploit it better and work to develop programs and services to target this large segment, especially since young people have energy, time and enthusiasm, which can be exploited to support and develop the Arab and Islamic tourism system, through the platform of the World Federation For Muslim scouts, and work to market many opportunities for Muslim youth, which will enhance the Islamic and Arab economy.

The conference also aims to work to increase the share of the Arab and Islamic world in the Asian tourism market, especially since the continent is inhabited by more than 700 million Muslims, and this is a large number that would contribute to supporting tourism in our Arab and Islamic world, and work to combat poverty and reduce unemployment in the Arab tourism market. And the Islamic.

He added that there will be activities to support entrepreneurship and support Muslim youth, explaining that Baseera will make an agreement with Wadi Makkah to teach Muslim youth the Arabic language through Umrah Plus.

He praised the efforts of the Secretary-General of the International Federation of Muslim Scouts, Dr. Zuhair Ghoneim, who exerts a lot of continuous effort to support Muslim youth and create ways of bonding between them, which we will target through the work of Umrah Plus programs, which will include among its programs learning the Arabic language for young people from the helipad. revelation.

Counselor Habes pointed out that there are strong bodies and authorities concerned with everything related to the tourism industry, which will participate in the activities of the global conference, whose first day will be in honor of His Excellency the Malaysian Minister of Tourism, and the third and final day will be under the generous patronage of the King of Malaysia and the distribution of 60 valuable prizes to the participating parties. In appreciation of their role and efforts in supporting the Arab and Islamic tourism industry



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