Ehyaa (Revival)

All living things on earth need water as the main source of survival. Allah the Almighty has said: {We made from water every living thing.} [21:30]. However, around 750 million people in the world today suffer from limited water resources. According to latest international statistics, one out of 10 people suffers from limited access to safe water that fulfill their basic daily needs of drinking, farming, etc. Therefore, the platform and its partners have to contribute effectively to providing safe water resources by drilling wells in remote and needy areas.

Project Objectives:

  • Provide clean drinking water.
  • Fulfill the basic daily needs of water such as cooking, and personal and domestic hygiene.
  • Prevent dehydration, which leads to death.
  • Alleviate people’s suffering in needy countries and areas.
  • Avoid diseases and epidemics caused by contaminated unusable water.
  • Help the beneficiaries of wells and clean water to have a decent life.
  • Identify and fulfill the needs of the persons in need.
  • Promote solidarity and compassion among society members.

The platform is providing this project in conjunction with the Scout Societies and its expert partners

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للتبرع لهذا المشروع من خلال الحوالة البنكية يرجى القيام بمايلي::

  1. ارسال شك الى العنوان التالي
  2. في التفاصيل اذكر ان سبب الحوالة هو تبرع لمنصة الكشاف المسلم للخدمات الإنسانية
  3. أرسل بريد الكتروني عن الحوالة الى العنوان التالي :

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