Menhaty (My Scholarship)

This initiative is interested in supporting students by providing educational scholarships and training opportunities for those in need, giving them the opportunity for education and training to make them able to build a better future for themselves, and their families, society and nation.

Applications of  those desiring to benefit from the project are received online on: Selection depends on the students GPA and financial situation. The project and its partners contribute to providing scholarships, qard hassan (benevolent loans), or one-time aids, as the case may be.

Project Relevance

  • Help the beneficiaries to have a better life by providing them with educational and training opportunities.
  • Encourage development in poor and developing countries.
  • Help distinguished refugees, IDPs, and the poor, to have higher education and training that help them earn decent living.

Types of Scholarships

  • Full ride and partial scholarships for refugees, IDPs and the poor of both sexes.
  • Academic excellence scholarships
  • The IOC poor member states scholarships

Scholarships courses and training programs:

Scholarships for two-year diploma technical schools, and 3,6 or 9-month training scholarships for accelerated vocational courses in various programs are provided.

Target group

  • Needy students, refugees and IDPs
  • Needy persons, refugees and IDPs who desire to learn a profession that that help them earn decent living

Scholarships Restrictions

  • Major restrictions: Candidates have to choose majors most in demand in the labor market, not stagnant ones. The same applies to professions training courses
  • Candidates have to apply to one or more of the initiative’s partner universities, colleges and training centers.

(The platform is providing this project in conjunction with the Scout Societies and its expert partners)

Join Us We Need Your Help

Personal Info

للتبرع لهذا المشروع من خلال الحوالة البنكية يرجى القيام بمايلي::

  1. ارسال شك الى العنوان التالي
  2. في التفاصيل اذكر ان سبب الحوالة هو تبرع لمنصة الكشاف المسلم للخدمات الإنسانية
  3. أرسل بريد الكتروني عن الحوالة الى العنوان التالي :

إن تبرعك المخصوم من الضرائب محل تقدير كبير!


Donation Total: $100